CSS Cursor Pointer

What is Cursor in CSS? 

We use customized cursors every day. This happens when the cursor changes, like turning into a hand when you hover over a button or into a text cursor when you hover over text.

However, cursors can also be used to offer our users a variety of other creative options.

Before creating custom cursors, it's important to know that CSS already provides default cursors for many common actions.

These cursors offer specific actions based on where you're hovering. For example, they can indicate when to click a link, drag and drop items, zoom in or out, and more.

Use the CSS cursor property to specify the type of cursor you want.

CSS Cursor Property

We can use the CSS cursor property to define the type of cursor that should be displayed to the user.

A practical use of this feature is using images as submit buttons on forms. Normally, when a cursor hovers over a link, it changes to a hand instead of a pointer. However, the submit button on a form doesn't cause this change. By changing the cursor, it visually indicates that the image is clickable when someone hovers over it as a submit button.

This property is defined by one or more <url> values separated by commas, followed by a required keyword value. Each <url> points to an image file.



Property Values

Auto: The default setting places the cursor automatically.
Alias: Displays a special cursor to indicate creating or linking.
All-scroll: Indicates that scrolling is possible in any direction.
Cell: Shows that a cell or a group of cells is selected.
Context-menu: Indicates the presence of a context menu.
Col-resize: Allows horizontal resizing of a column.
Copy: Shows that an item can be copied.
Crosshair: Displays the cursor as a crosshair.
Default: The standard default cursor.
E-resize: Indicates that the right edge of a box can be moved.
Ew-resize: Shows a cursor that resizes both left and right.
Help: Indicates that help or assistance is available.
Move: Shows that an item can be moved.
n-resize: Indicates that the top edge of a box can be moved.
Ne-resize: Allows the top-right edge of a box to be moved.
Nesw-resize: Shows a cursor for diagonal resizing.
Ns-resize: Allows resizing both up and down.
Nw-resize: Indicates that the top-left edge of a box can be moved.
Nwse-resize: Shows a cursor for diagonal resizing in the opposite direction.
No-drop: Indicates that an item cannot be dropped in that area.
None: Hides the cursor entirely.
Not-allowed: Indicates that the action is not permitted.
Pointer: Shows the cursor as a pointer, often for links.
Progress: Indicates that a process is ongoing.
Row-resize: Allows vertical resizing of a row.
S-resize: Indicates that the bottom edge of a box can be moved.
Se-resize: Allows the bottom-right edge of a box to be moved.
Sw-resize: Allows the bottom-left edge of a box to be moved.
Text: Indicates text that can be selected.
URL: Specifies custom cursor URLs, ending with a generic fallback cursor.
Vertical-text: Indicates a possible vertical text selection.
W-resize: Indicates that the left edge of a box can be moved.


This example demonstrates how to use the cursor property. The cursor is set to "wait," indicating that the program is busy.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Cursor Property</title>
   cursor: wait;
    h1 {
    color: blue;
<h1>Welcome to the page</h1>
<p>Move the mouse over the text to change the cursor.</p>
<p class="ak">Wait until the next suggestion.</p>


How can CSS bring the cursor to the hand when a user hovers over a list item? 

To change the cursor when a user hovers over a list of items, you can use CSS properties. Start by creating the list with HTML <ul> and <li> tags. Then, apply the cursor: grab property in your CSS to display a hand cursor when hovering over the list.


element:hover {
    cursor: pointer/grab;


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Make Our Cursor a Hand</title>
  body {
   width: 90%;
   h1 {
     color: blue;
     text-align: center;
    li:hover {
     cursor: grab;
<h1>Welcome to the Course List</h1>
<div class="ak">Course Lists:</div>


How can we alter the color of our cursor using CSS? 

In this example, we'll use CSS to change the cursor color in input fields. The `caret-color` property allows us to modify the color of the cursor in textareas, input fields, and other editable areas.


caret-color: auto / color;


Auto: This is the default value, which uses the browser's default color for the caret.

Color: This value lets you specify the caret's color. You can use any color value, such as RGB, hex, or named colors.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Changing the Color of the Cursor Using CSS</title>
  body {
    text-align: center;
 /* Change the cursor color to red */
   input[type="text"] {
   caret-color: red;
  /* Change the cursor color to blue */
    input[type="email"] {
    caret-color: blue;
<h1 style="color: black;">Welcome to the Page </h1>
<h3> Changing the Color of the Cursor Using CSS</h3>
<form action="">
  <label for="name">Enter Your Name</label>
  <input type="text" name="name" id="name">
  <label for="mail">Enter Your Email</label>
  <input type="email" name="mail" id="mail">


How can we use CSS to change the cursor style in a browser? 

In CSS, the cursor property determines the type of mouse cursor that appears when hovering over an element. By default, the cursor is set to a pointer. You can customize it using CSS if needed. The default value of the cursor property is auto, so specifying auto is optional since it is the default setting.



Property Value: This specifies the value for the cursor property.


To display the cursor as a crosshair, set the cursor property to crosshair.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  .cursor {
    cursor: crosshair;
<body style="text-align: left;">
<h1 style="color: red;"> Welcome to the Page</h1>
<p class="cursor">Login Credentials</p>


We can use the CSS cursor property to define the type of cursor shown to users. One practical use is setting images as submit buttons in forms. By default, the cursor changes to a hand when hovering over a link.

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